Friday, July 22, 2011

Holy heat batman.....

It is as us new englanders would call a wicked scorcha out there!  The temp is 100 with a heat index of 110! That is too hot for me to be outside, I am inside sucking up the a/c instead.  I found out my business cards will be here sometime next week.  For now I will post a couple of new pics that I took this past wednesday.  Maybe I will get later on when it maybe cools down.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

my business cards...

Well I checked the status of my business cards and found out they were shipped out.  WooHoo!!! I hope they come in soon like either tomorrow or friday.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I finally....

I have not taken any new pics recently.  I plan getting some this week.  On another note I finally ordered business cards and I made up a flyer with the little pull off tabs.  I'm hoping to get some business. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My new project...

I am going to be doing a new project come the beginning of August.  I am going to do one of those 365 projects, take a pic a day for 365 days.  I am going to have it run Aug. 2011-Aug. 2012.  I was going to wait until the new year but that is still a long way away.  This should be a fun and exciting project.  I may even turn it into a DVD slideshow. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Ahh another Friday...

Ahh another Friday in the books.  I have a few new pics to post.  There is one of some beetle that I have never seen before and it was huge, it was almost the size of my thumb!! Another is a pic of a leaf that looks like a devil head and my friend ripped a face into it and last there is a really cool shot that I took by placing the camera on the side of a tree and getting a cool POV. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I should have actually posted these pics the other day instead of the ones I posted but hey what can ya do lol.  These are from the fireworks on the 4th of July.  These were taking from Fairhaven looking to New Bedford.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I have in hiding... somewhat

I have not forgot about my blog.  I have been busy with all kinds of things.  I recently just got my first photography gig.  I am going to be shooting for a metal band out of the boston area. They are playing an all day metal fest in august.  i am so pumped for that, my first big taste of what a concert looks like from the other side of the barricade and to be shooting for a metal band on stage.  With that out of the way,  i have a few pics to post one is of a fountain and the other is my first attempt at taking a pic of the moon.