Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday June 27th....

Its another manic Monday in my world.  I had posted yesterday that I was going to post some new pics and here they are.  One is a macro shot of a smirnoff ice bottle, some kind of caterpillar, and of a crane from the Buttonwood Park Zoo.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The last Sunday of June...

Well it's the last Sunday of June. Yesterday was the homecoming fair here in Fairhaven, I think I am going to put a stand up next year and sell my photos.  There was like 4 or 5 stands selling photos.  I figure if I do it and try to under cut the competition I can make some money.  I printed out of one my photos and put it an 11x14 frame that was matted to 8x10. I am going to post it online and see if anyone is interested in purchasing it.  I have some new pics that I will be putting up later on today or tomorrow.

Friday, June 17, 2011

It's Friday....

It's Friday the 17th of June, I have been way off course on keeping up with this blog.  I do have a few new pics to post.  The pics are of Fort Phoenix and a nice retro Ford T-Bird.

Monday, June 13, 2011

I'm back....

I'm back after a few days away.  I kinda missed it. lol  I have a couple pics to post, one  is a sunset taken on Popes island looking northwest, and the other I like to call the soul of a campfire.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Well I have been...

Wow where have I been hiding lol.  I have been neglecting my blog for some reason, I apologize for not post any new pics. I should a few new ones in the next few days.

Friday, June 3, 2011


It's the first Friday of June. Nothing much going on on my end still just fighting the depression battle.  I am posting a pic that I took back in April it's of a tulip that I edited to black and white and left the flower in color.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The first hump day of June...

It's Wednesday and that means hump day.  It's the first one of June, it's kinda gloomy out.  I went to go get an ice coffee and shoot a few pics. They are of the Fairhaven-New Bedford hurricane barrier, Fort Phoenix, a pretty ironic boat name and the Unitarian church.