Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The last tuesday of the month....

It's the last Tuesday of May.  I picked up a new(used) 70-300mm zoom lens for the camera this past weekend.  I got some good pics with it, I will post them once my computer is done backing up.  Stay tuned...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

It's monday...

It's monday and that means another week.  I can't believe that May is already over.  I have a few pics that I will post later once I have them edited.  I just recently(meaning yesterday) picked a 70-300mm zoom lens for the camera now I should be able to get some good shots.  I need to get to bed got a busy day in the morning, gotta get things ready for my daughters b-day party.  Stay tuned for the pics...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The last saturday of the month of May...

Well this the last Saturday of the month of May.  I took a few pics yesterday, I had a bad day with my battle of depression.  I ended up spending like 4 hours in the ER, I feel a little better but still a little under the weather.  Taking pics helps me with this.  The few pics I'm posting are of the those "punks" that are supposed to keep the mosquitoes away.  I'm also posting a pic that I took at my in-laws house, the camera was on a mono pod that was fully extended to 5 and a half feet.  Altogether the camera was roughly 11 feet in the air.  This makes for some interesting vantage points.  I hope to get some really interesting pics like this.  So here are the pics and I should have more up either tomorrow or Monday. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Another hump day down...

Well it's another hump day down and I started my new job today. It was a long day for me after being out of work for like 6 months. I'm hoping I can get a decent schedule so I can keep taking photos. I'm hoping to get few tomorrow since it won't be a long day at work. Stay tuned everybody same bat time same bat channel.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


It's Tuesday, I figured I would take a day off yesterday.  Today I only got one pic to post. I was at pope park in Acushnet with the kids and I was on  the swings and took this pic and then edited it to make it look like I was flying. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Sunday Sunday....

I'm back after a day away from the computer.  Yesterday was a great day, weather wise and family wise.  We went to a little carnival type thing at Rogers school down the street from us and then we went to the 5th annual aviation fun day at the New Bedford regional airport.  I'm posting some pics from the airport. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Some pics from today...

I had posted earlier that I would be back later with a few pics and here I am with the few pics I promised.  There are a few of a bumble bee that I was chasing around trying to get its pic.(lol)  and there is another one that I edited the sky to be more blue to bring out the clouds in the pics. 

Ohh Friday....

It's friday and that means the weekend is upon us. I got some pics to post later on. I'm hoping to get out there and get some shots today the weather looks like it might actually cooperate today. Lol with this I bid you adou. I will be back later with some pics hopefully.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hump Day...

It's Wednesday the 18th of May, another hump day another gloomy day in the southcoast.  This weather is really not good for someone that is fighting depression like myself. I took a few photos yesterday of the rain falling and I am so missing going out and taking photos of things around the area. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

i'm going to share my flickr page...

I am going to post the link to my flickr page with pictures that I don't post here.

here it is   My flickr page

Monday, May 16, 2011

Another day...

Well it is now tuesday the 17th of may I cannot wait to go pick up the new game L.A. Noire.  That game looks extremely fun and deep. OK now back to the photos(lol)  The picture that I am posting today is of a bubble I took that one of my girls blew.  I feel that capturing the image of a bubble is tough, but once you get the shot the freedom of that bubble is trapped and you can feel the loneliness of the bubble. This pic was taken back on april 25th and it was edited in my camera with the miniature effect.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday Sunday Sunday!!!

So it's just about 8:30 in the morning, not sure if I'll post any pics today. It's my nephew's baptism today. Although there is the opportunity to get some good candid shots. If I see any good ones I might post them. So check back later on.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ahhh saturday how I love thee....

Saturday is a great day of the week.  Well for me at least everyday feels like a saturday when your unemployed.  More on that another time here a few a shots that I took today while down at gooseberry neck island in westport.  I had edited a sunset into one of  the pics because the sky was not photo friendly it was overcast I left the other one with the overcast sky I feel the one with the overcast sky gives it more feel of how the times have changed and more depressing.

Friday, May 13, 2011

My first photo post on my blog

Here a few pics that I took today while out walking with the kids to the library.  I have not touched them up yet.  I figured I would my first few pics up raw and unedited. They are of the town hall, Millicent library and the Unitarian church here in Fairhaven.

Let's try this again!

Well I had started this blog yesterday morning, but some strange reason there was a problem and I lost my blog. I guess I'll try it again. I am posting this from my phone for now. When I get on my computer I will post some pics. So without further ado let's get to some photo showing.